And that's right, I'm pregnant (8 1/2 weeks), feeling sick, gaining weight too fast (that's how I do it), and ready to be done with the 1st trimester! We are excited for our little girl to come! JUST kidding, you know it will be another boy! Either way, we are exited!
Watching the kids play together and seeing the difference in sizes of our babies.
Taking a million pictures of this sweet face! I think I took close to 300 over the 4 days!
Avery's first time swimming!
My boys couldn't get enough of Avery! Love this picture!
The Alamo!
The River sister, dad, and kids.
They love watching the ducks at the river walk...Avery loved them too!
Miss you, little girl:(!!!
Dressing up!
The park!
The trip was too short! It was sad to say goodbye! The boys are still talking about how cute baby Avery is! Julien said, "Mom, I want our baby to look like baby Avery so we can always remember her!" She is a precious little babe! Thanks for coming guys! We love you!
My husband has only surprised me a few times in our marriage. He has tried to surprise me many times but I always seem to guess if I know he is planning something, or without him realizing, I put two and two together and have to pretend to be surprised. But being pregnant and totally absent minded and so tired, I didn't even think about this surprise. The night before Mother's Day he went to the store late and off to bed I went. I didn't even have the thought, "gee, wonder what he is getting, the night before Mother's Day?!" So the next morning when I got up and found this...I was quite surprised! Thanks Babe! And he even got me a sweet card. (He has a history of getting me either the same card as he got me before or some crude/funny cards that he thinks are hilarious and I think are well..not. But he did it this time! Love you babe! He is good to me! And I must say I love Mother's day and love being a mom!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAISING GOOD HUSBANDS;)!
A few weeks ago Julien said, "I'm going to make my bed!" So off he went and shut his door. He peeked his head out a few times and told me not to come in. Finally he gave me the okay and made me close my eyes to show me what he "made." When I opened my eyes, to my surprise, he showed me this...The night before I stuck a pile of clean laundry in their room to fold later and he took it upon himself to fold it and even sort it into piles( see towels)! Oh, and he DID make his bed too! Julien, Mommy loves you!!